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A quick and easy-to-understand explanation of は versus が in Japanese

In Japanese, the particle は is used to indicate the topic of a sentence, while the particle が is used to indicate the subject of a sentence. The topic of a sentence is the general subject being discussed, while the subject is the specific thing performing the action of the verb in the sentence. For example, in the sentence “わたしがくせいです” (I am a student), the topic of the sentence is “I” (わたしは) and the subject is “I” (わたしが) because I am the one who is a student. In contrast, in the sentence “いぬはしる” (The dog is running), the topic of the sentence is “the dog” (いぬは) and the subject is “the dog” (いぬが) because the dog is the one who is running. These particles are often used in combination with other particles to add additional meaning to a sentence.

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By JYKK Editorial

Excited by everything and anything to do with Japanese Kanji - be them Jōyō, Jinmeiyō, or Hyōgai!

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