hiragana kanji katakana

What are Furigana? (Answered)

Come across the word Furigana in the context of Japanese kanji and wondering what it means? Furigana (振り仮名 – literally: “assigned characters”), also known as ruby text or ruby characters, are small kana characters that are written above or to the side of a kanji character in a Japanese word. They are used to indicate […]

kanji katakana

How to Write/Add Furigana in HTML? (Answered)

To write furigana (振り仮名) in HTML, you can use the <ruby> element, which is a part of the HTML Ruby Extension. The <ruby> element is used to mark up ruby text, which is a type of small, annotated text that is used to provide pronunciation or other information about a character or word. Here’s an […]