There are several words for snow in Japanese, depending on the context and the type of snow being referred to. Some common words for snow include:
- 雪 (yuki) – This is the general word for snow, and it is used to refer to snow in general or snowfall.
- 雪片 (yukibira) – This word refers to snowflakes or snow crystals.
- 雪国 (yukiguni) – This word means “snow country,” and it is often used to refer to areas of Japan that receive a lot of snow, such as Hokkaido.
- 雪女 (yukionna) – This word means “snow woman,” and it refers to a mythical creature that is said to live in the snow and lure travelers to their deaths.
- 雪花 (yukibana) – This word means “snow flower,” and it is often used to refer to snow crystals or snowflakes.
- 雪山 (yukiyama) – This word means “snow mountain,” and it is often used to refer to mountains covered in snow.
In addition to these words, there are also many other words and expressions that can be used to describe snow in Japanese. The above are just a few of the most common examples of the many words used to talk about snow in the language.
Here’s some simple examples of sentences containing the word snow in Japanese:
- 今日は雪が降ります。(Kyō wa yuki ga furimasu.) – It will snow today.
- 雪が降っています。(Yuki ga futte imasu.) – It is snowing.雪が積もりました。(Yuki ga tsumori mashita.) – The snow accumulated.
- 私たちは雪だるまを作りました。(Watashitachi wa yukidaruma o tsukurimashita.) – We made a snowman.
- 雪の中を歩いています。(Yuki no naka o aruite imasu.) – I am walking in the snow.
- 雪が溶け始めました。(Yuki ga toke hajimemashita.) – The snow is starting to melt.
- 雪が解ける前に、雪道を掃除しなければなりません。(Yuki ga tokeru mae ni, yukimichi o sōji shinakereba narimasen.) – We must clean the snowy road before the snow melts.
- 雪山に登ることは私の夢です。(Yukiyama ni noboru koto wa watashi no yume desu.) – It is my dream to climb a snow mountain.
- 雪の景色がとてもきれいです。(Yuki no geshiki ga totemo kirei desu.) – The snow scenery is very beautiful.
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