hiragana kanji

What are Okurigana? (Answered)

Okurigana (送り仮名 – literally: “accompanying characters”) are characters that appear after a kanji character in a Japanese word. They are used to indicate the inflection or pronunciation of the kanji, and are typically written in hiragana. For example, in the word “読よめる” (yomu, meaning “can read”), the kanji is “読” and the okurigana are “め” […]

hiragana kanji katakana

What are Furigana? (Answered)

Come across the word Furigana in the context of Japanese kanji and wondering what it means? Furigana (振り仮名 – literally: “assigned characters”), also known as ruby text or ruby characters, are small kana characters that are written above or to the side of a kanji character in a Japanese word. They are used to indicate […]

kanji katakana

How to Write/Add Furigana in HTML? (Answered)

To write furigana (振り仮名) in HTML, you can use the <ruby> element, which is a part of the HTML Ruby Extension. The <ruby> element is used to mark up ruby text, which is a type of small, annotated text that is used to provide pronunciation or other information about a character or word. Here’s an […]